Nutrition Consultation

As the patient is treated for specific ailments, our staff of doctors will appraise the patient's nutritional situation and detect any deficiencies in the diet. Nutritional supplements (vitamins, minerals, herbs, enzymes, amino acids etc.) may sometimes be recommended to ensure that the patient can attain and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Metabolic nutritional typing is a very comprehensive analysis to determine the patient's unique metabolic requirements, so as to design a diet and supplementation health program most suited to the individual body type. Faulty eating patterns can be corrected and improved.

Fee : HK$2,000 per hour.   HK$1,000 per half hour.
          Half to two hours for the initial visit
          and 15 to 30 minutes for the follow visits
          Basic Consultation Feeļ¼š$500 and up

  Treatments & Tests
Colon Hydrotherapy
Colour Therapy
Constitutional Hydrotherapy
Food Allergy Test
Hair Mineral Analysis
Health Consultation
Heart Rate Variability
Herbal Medicine
Live Cell Analysis
Magneto Meridian Treatment
Microcirculation Treatment
Nutritional Consultation
Rife Frequency Treatment
Skype online consultation
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